딜리리어스의 리드보컬 '마틴 스미스'가 보내온 편지 > 뉴스및공지

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딜리리어스의 리드보컬 '마틴 스미스'가 보내온 편지 > 뉴스및공지

딜리리어스의 리드보컬 '마틴 스미스'가 보내온 편지

페이지 정보

작성자 인피니스 댓글 0건 조회 38,472회 작성일 03-12-19 19:33


Message from Martin Smith.

Hi everyone, it's the d:boys here. We are holed up in a house rehearsing this week trying our best to get the set together for the Camden gigs next week. The new songs are sounding great and we can't wait to be in front of our UK crowd who have seen it all grow from the beginning.

So, 15th. Dec is the day of release for our brand new record 'World Service' its gonna be exciting to know at last that you people can hear the songs we've been creating over this year. Good magazine reviews are one thing but it's the fans who we are eager to hear from after a long gap since 'Audio'.

We have at last seen a partnership develop with BMG records in Germany, and they will be releasing the song 'Inside Outside' as a single next year which is a good start and hopefully that relationship will spill over into Britain. EMI in Canada also want to profile the new album in their high street stores which is another sign that the 'industry' is wanting to get on board with this record.

We are so excited about playing in the UK next year and we have a large number of dates booked throughout hopefully including Greenbelt, Alton Towers, Grapevine and Soul in the City, as well as many others which will appear on the site as soon as they are confirmed.

So to all those who are coming to Camden, see you there, we can't wait to see you!

Grace Like a River,

The d:boys / Martin Smith
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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.


  • Matt Redman
  • Ron Kenoly
  • Kari Jobe
  • Ken Reynolds
  • Martin Smith
  • Darlene Zshech
  • Motown Gospel
  • Avalon



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